Camping season is approaching faster than you think. Got firewood on the mind? We do! 1/3 cord bags of spruce/pine for $125. Call Shawn for details at 403-350-9871.
Clearing some large poplar trees for @reddeercounty Large timber was salvaged and brought back to our shop to be milled and recycled into useable boards.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Hidden treasures inside this burl. Oh the ideas of what to do with it are flowing in. 😁
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Unfortunately we were called to mulch trees down due to a homeless camp and fire issues. Keep your eye out on CTV regarding this story.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Some tight quarters to get this tree out that was leaning on a customers house!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Now that is a UNIQUE live edge. You never know what you’ll find once you that the bark off!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Cute little bench we made from a tree takedown. Donated back to the Beatty Heritage House in Rimbey, AB
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Some beautifully finished epoxy charcuterie boards. The large one is 34” x 60”. Gorgeous!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
A little ditch clean up out at Bowden.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Cleaned up some dangerous trees for the season to start at Valley Center Community Hall!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Taking down some dangerous trees in a windrow. Making it safe for the upcoming season at Valley Center
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Tomorrow is the last day to check out @rdhomeshow and stop by to talk to @ecotree_generations , @centralalbertacoop and @ellisbirdfarm in the Central Alberta Co-op booth. The Bee Box has to be seen in person!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Some big cut up “sticks” laminated to become a beautiful table top for the customer to sand and finish to his liking. Let us help you with your project!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Just a few custom tables….22 to be exact
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Be sure to head to @rdhomeshow this weekend to check out the Bee Box located in the @centralalbertacoop booth. This was a joint project with @ellisbirdfarm, Eco Tree and @ecotree_generations for a Co-op community space project. It turned out amazing. It will be a show stopper for sure. Be sure to check out the beautiful wood wall made from….of course our local recycled wood!!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Taking down some dangerous leaning trees out by Innisfail. One of these days this winter there will be a big snow dump so being proactive is the way to stay safe.
#reddeercounty #ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Removing the trees in a dangerously steep ditch in order to fix the ditch and improve safety for the Condor school traffic. Thanks to TJ Paving for the opportunity to help out.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
@ecotree_generations Ryker donated his brisket from his @rimbey4hclub carcass steer to the @thehideout_rd for farm days. The chef made an order of nachos with it along with a honey bbq sauce from @gulllakehoney. Must come today and tomorrow to give it a try!!!
Last night we had the amazing opportunity to see @theroadhammers at @righanddistillery where @claytonbellamy played it for the first time. The band also signed it all ready for the auction at @claytonbellamyfoundation on September 1st. @ecotree_generations is still fundraising to bring the guitar home to @lindsaythurberhs music program. Be sure to check out the go fund me page.
The Pollinator Garden @ellisbirdfarm for the @coopcrs Co-op Community Spaces Grant in partnership with @ecotree_generations is coming along. It was a couple of HOT 🥵 days this week but the gang worked their butts off to get it ready for planting. Amazing job everyone!!! It’s going to be a beautiful space enjoyed by soooo many!! The planter boxes were built from local recycled wood and the black inserts from recycled shipping container steel.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Jazdn and Jennah with @ecotree_generations never cease to amaze us. With the unconditional support from @gilmore_guitars the guitar is complete. This guitar was made from trees that were removed locally here in Red Deer. Recycled black ash was used for the neck of the guitar, Russian olive for the fret board and laurel leaf willow for the body. It turned out better than anyone could have imagined, and David with Gilmore Guitars has played it and says it’s amazing. The goal with guitar was to have it be built out of 100% locally sourced wood from Central Alberta and they have taken pictures of the exact sites where these trees were taken down (for the black ash and Russian olive). And those trees were only 1km apart from each other!
This particular guitar will be auctioned in support of the Clayton Bellamy Foundation (@claytonbellamy) which supports youth by giving them the opportunity to become involved in fine arts. His first official gala is September 1, 2023 in Bonnyville, AB.
The girls now have a GoFundMe page to bring the guitar home. They want the opportunity to bid on it to bring it back to Red Deer for the Lindsay Thurber music program. If they win the guitar back or not, all proceeds from the GoFundMe page will go to the Clayton Bellamy Foundation. If you would like to support, please check out the link below.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness #guitar #locallumber # handcrafted
Time to clean up some trees in the ditch!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Final stage of lacquer for some table tops and this show stopper looking guitar. More to come!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Time to make the Bentley campground safe for the upcoming rodeo. Lots of dangerous leaning trees that needed to be taken care of. Ready for some rodeo action.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
The @ecotree_generations crew were busy bees today! The girls had a chance to see @claytonbellamy live at RDP last night. Then he stopped in today @gilmore_guitars to see their progress on the electric guitar being auctioned off at his upcoming gala.
Ryker has been busy planing and painting planter boxes as well as grinding and plasma cutting the metal for the sides from recycled shipping containers. These planter boxes will be going to the @ellisbirdfarm for the @centralalbertacoop Community Spaces Grant. Great job everyone!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Start of the laurel leaf electric guitar being built with the help from @ecotree_generations and of course David from @gilmore_guitars Be sure to check out Gilmore Guitars page to see all of his amazing work.
This special guitar is going to be an auction item for @claytonbellamy Foundations gala on September 1st and 2nd. It is being built with local laurel leaf willow for the body, local black ash for the neck and the fret board is made with local Russian olive. All harvested in the City of Red Deer. Excited to see how it turns out!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
In this last wind storm the limb finally fell on the garage. Cranes are an incredible asset to keep control and take away dangerous limbs. Huge thanks to Big Horn Crane for always being there with your expertise on these type of jobs!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Eco Tree and @ecotree_generations have a dream to help create a world of food security in a sustainable way. Eco Tree Generations Jazdn, Jennah and Ryker finally took a bite of this dream last fall with their 1st modular agriculture steer barn built from a 20’ shipping container. The barn was home for Ryker’s 1st 4H beef carcass and market steer projects. The team is excited to announce their next modular agriculture project and partnership with Ellis bird farm and Co-op Community Spaces. This project is a 20’ shipping container chicken coop and a 20’ container honey processing classroom located at the Ellis bird farm. This project was Jazdn and Ryker’s 4H Entrepreneur project with their partner Jennah. Thank you @centralalbertacoop , Co-op Community Spaces and the @ellisbirdfarm to allow us to bring our dreams to reality and continue growing our relationship with amazing community partners!
2 beautiful picnic tables have been created from the poplar trees removed @reddeercounty Springbrook Community Garden site. The scrap ends and waste wood from the project has fueled the boiler to heat our kiln and shop this morning. 2 Bags of planer shavings from this project will go to a local chicken farmer and the remaining 4 bags will go to the Rimbey 4H club members for bedding their show steers. The remaining cut off edges will be bagged for firewood supporting Eco Tree Generations firewood campaign, with the wood chips being used by the Springbrook garden association. We are proud to say that this project will use 100% of the wood from the site. Only 1 thing left to complete the sustainable urban forest project with Red Deer County….the Replant! Thank you from Eco Tree and @ecotreegenerations for allowing us to show all the value-added products that have been produced and the amazing economic, environmental, and social benefits this project has created. Also, anyone interested in some of the best beef in the world raised by the coolest next generation farmers, please attend the Rimbey, Bluffton and Winfield Interclub 4H Show and Sale at the Rimbey Agrim on Sunday May 14th and Monday May 15th. Sale at 7pm on May 15th at the Rimbey Agrim Center.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Another step in the Sustainable Forest Management Plan for @reddeercounty The poplar trees from the Springbrook Community garden site that had to come down are starting to take shape into 2 beautiful poplar picnic tables to be brought back into the community.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
The clean up at Pine Lake for @reddeercounty. Even though the poplar trees were diseased and had to be taken down they will be recycled and repurposed and given a new life in a new form. Excited to see what’s underneath the bark when we go to mill them. We always find some amazing and unique pieces that will be brought back into local homes through tables, mantles and anything else you can think of. Some of the trees even had burls on them which we find mainly in Manitoba maple. Stay posted to see some milling in the spring.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
The start of taking down a diseased poplar windrow for @reddeercounty Making the area safe and salvaging/recycling the trees. Stay tuned for the progress and clean up.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
A table top and shelf with ledge ready to head to their new home! Some really beautiful grain in this poplar slab!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
It’s always a surprise when we cut into a log. These came off of the @reddeercounty job. Here are some beautiful slabs that will make an amazing epoxy river table with the natural crack down the middle. So many possibilities!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #epoxy #rivertable #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Love seeing what cool projects are made with our local wood from customers. I’ll be getting one of these!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Huge thanks to Dave Gilmore @gilmore_guitars for the heads up to see @claytonbellamy and Mike Plume live @thetrackon2 last night. Fantastic night of live music! Highly recommend you checking it out. Support local!
Always exciting to have David Gilmore @gilmore_guitars stop by the shop to find the next guitar experience. This project will involve our biggest laurel leaf willow to date. This gigantic tree was 68” across the butt. Also the first tree job for Jaz and Jennah @ecotree_generations Jaz and Jennah’s passion for music and continuous support for youth they’ve chosen this project to raise money for Big Hearts for Big Kids and the Sunrise House as they’re huge fans of Tenille Townes! Be sure to keep posted for upcoming details.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
The start of milling the logs that came off of the @reddeercounty Springbrook job. The poplar logs have some beautiful color to them Once milled, they will sit for some air drying and finish off in the kiln for the final dry cycle.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Huge Thank-You to @reddeercounty for the opportunity to salvage 11 large poplar trees that had to come down. Can’t even tell they were there once fallen, salvaged, branches chipped and mulcher for clean up. Trees cut yielded 38 logs and 56,000 pounds or 25.4 tons of wood to be dried, milled and recycled. A perfect showcase for sustainable forest management with Red Deer County.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Beautiful hall table with custom built legs from Hawk Sheet Metal. This was sanded to 1000 grit which really brings out the different colors once finished. Will look amazing in their new addition.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Our local kiln dried live edge lumber has made it to @centralalbertacoop They’ve always been amazing supporters of @ecotree_generations Be sure to check out their newly renovated Home and Garden centre in Red Deer on Riverside Drive!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Sanded mantle ready for the customer to stain. We can just hand you over kiln dried wood for your project right up to completely finishing and installing. We’re here every step of the way.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
From concept to creation with our @ecotree_generations team. Be sure to check out our first AG module at the Agritrade show this week from Nov 9-11. We’re located in Red Deer Industrial Leasing outside booth. ALSO we have a sale on our spruce 1/3 cord firewood bags for $100. Be sure to come by and say HI 👋
The stunning river table has made it to its new home in Calgary. It took 7 movers to haul this 500lb table top up 7 flights of stairs. Hats off to you guys, glad it wasn’t us!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness #epoxyrivertable
Some pictures of the journey of a new dining room table heading to Stettler,AB. Beautiful Cognac finish!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness #liveesgetable #timberframe
Some super tight trees to a shop that needed to come down. Safety and efficiency first so we always bring in the help of a crane. Huge thanks to Dave at Big Horn Crane who after all these years working together makes the job look easy!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Some before and after pictures of an acreage clean up. New trees are in the works to finish the front entry of this home. Very happy customer!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness #forestrymulcher #landclearing #acreagecleanup
Some additional finished pictures of the epoxy river board room table. Custom made metal bases with their logo inserted to finish the look! Keep your eye out for installed pictures to come!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness #epoxyrivertable
Beautiful 🤩 custom board room table heading to Calgary in a couple weeks. Epoxy river table with the knots filled with the same color epoxy to keep the look consistent!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness #epoxyrivertable
Epoxy filled custom tops with a maple burl inserted. These night stands with a drawer are going to look great next to their custom live edge bed. Heading to their new home in Arizona!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Custom built porch swing built from local Manitoba Maple. Absolutely stunning color and grain in this piece. Josh quite enjoyed fitting all these pieces together to have this finished product! Customer loved 🥰 it!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness #porchswing #customwoodwork
Here’s the bed and kitchen table complete and in their new home from the previous pictures posted back in February. Absolutely stunning in our biased opinion 😁
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Love the way the live edge looks a different color than the top even though it’s the same stain. This will make a beautiful bench!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #liveedgebench #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Before and after pictures of a small area cleared and cleaned up for a future project.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #mulcher #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Came across some amazing color in this maple branch. Too bad it wasn’t a large log that could be milled 😞
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Here are the remaining After pictures. The yard cleaned up real nice! We’re only happy when the customers are happy!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Little acreage clean up happened last week. Here are some photos of before, during and after!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Easter break and our dedicated @ecotree_generations workers are hard at milking with Josh! Very proud of these hard workers!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Custom built 3 way mirror cabinet made by @ayakitchensrd framed with our local green ash. Matches the hickory cabinets quite nicely!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Jazdn with @ecotree_generations entered their coffee bar in Woodmizers Project Contest. Didn’t win but super excited to have our picture displayed on their website. Be sure to check out the Woodmizer website for all the entries.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Looking for something to do this weekend. If so, check out @centralalbertacoop at Innisfail’s 2022 spring trade show. Red Deer Co-op won Best Medium Booth at The Red Deer Home Show last month that @ecotree_generations got to be a part of. Super excited to be a local supplier of local live edge lumber to the Red Deer and Innisfail stores!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Home show this weekend. Be sure to stop by and say HI to Shawn and the @ecotree_generations kids at the Co-op booth in the new pavilion.
Huge shout out to @centralalbertacoop for all your support through the years. So much appreciated.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #treeservicereddeer #treeremovalreddeer #reddeersmallbusiness
Now that’s a WOW statement for a custom live edge bed.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #reddeersmallbusiness
Cabinets @ayakitchensrd and live edge countertop install. The rustic look suits this cabin to a tee!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #reddeersmallbusiness
Countertops and shelves ready for their new home out in Nordegg!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #reddeersmallbusiness
This local poplar mantle is over 12 feet long and heading to Golden, BC tomorrow to it’s new home.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #reddeersmallbusiness
Jennah with @ecotree_generations had a chance to mentor David with @gilmore_guitars earlier this summer to mill the box elder that was used for this beautiful 12 string guitar that he generously gave back to the girls right before Christmas.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #reddeersmallbusiness #guitar #gilmoreguitars
Josh has been busy working in the back to finish up all these countertops. Always nice to get pictures of the finished product!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #reddeersmallbusiness #livedgecountertops
Another poplar countertop ready to be installed! Tons of color in this one!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #reddeersmallbusiness
Another local poplar countertop out the door!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #reddeersmallbusiness
From start to finish of a butcher block countertop. Building a value added product from what we used to call waste from our tree removals. Beautiful!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #butcherblockcountertop
Local poplar table top ready to be picked up by its new owners to be broken in this Christmas!!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #reddeersmallbusiness
Now this is a very amazing opportunity….we collaborated with @gilmore_guitars to supply our local kiln dried lumber to make this stunning guitar! Local Poplar back, sides and top. Box is elder/Manitoba maple with a maple rosette. Binding is mahogany. Turned out beautiful with much thanks for the one and only David Gilmore!
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #reddeersmallbusiness
Start to almost finish of a poplar bar top with epoxy and an additional one. Love how the epoxy floats on the 1 side. Installed pictures to come.
#ecotree_ca #urbanlogging #liveedgelumber #reddeer #centralalberta #alberta #recycle #treeservice #repurpose #salvagedlumber #logstolumber #lifereconnected #reddeersmallbusiness #epoxy